I want you to look at this logo... Really study it. Because it took me a while to see the greatness of the design.
This logo is a fast food restaurant located in Evanston, WY. In which, top to bottom is painted in camo, with hunting games and animal heads on the walls. Basically you can wear your orange neon vest and feel right at home.
Now that we have the visual for the eatery down, let's go back to the logo. First we have the custom design font for the name, but that's not all. Because they wanted it to appeal to hunters, they had to add the moose horns.... But of course that wouldn't be enough for any true outdoorsmen, so they needed to add the pine tree. But that took to much away from the hunting side of the logo so they needed to add not one, but TWO more antlers to the logo. Now to finish the design and bring it all together, they added the splash of blood to really tie down that this food is for the true redneck hunter.
And so, the Excellence in Graphic Design goes to Rusty's. You kill em' we grill em'!
There really are no words... Just beauty.